Friday, April 13

Flat Me Day.

On Wednesday Danya, Heather, and me were in Danya's room making Flat Stanley thing for Flat Me Day on Thursday. You have to make a flat drawing that looks like you and carry it around with you. Heather's was hilarious. It was wearing a colorful jumpsuit and had its hand and toes painted. she named hers Joaquin but I told her it look more Hansel & Gretalish and she thought so to.So she named it Gretal but the problem was there was a giant J in the middle of Gretal's jumpsuit so it was Jgretal with a silent J. Danya's was just bizarre. She named it Dudley and made it a villan it was so scary. Dudley had purple and pink skin and fangs. He/She was wearing wacko overalls with all these shapes and things and one eye was 10 times bigger then the other one. Mine...was just weird. It's name is Barnibus. Barnibus looks like Barney. Shehe had a Barney spandex suit on with a green exercise band on herhis head. Shehe had a really, really long face and huge red fat lips. I finished before Heather and Danya so I made another one and named him Horhay. Horhay is Barnibus's brother and Horhay is gay. He was really hairy and he was wearing a pink belly shirt that said Hot Stuff on it. His eyes were blue and he had blue eyeliner on and orange eyeshadow. That was our flat me's.

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