Saturday, April 28

Walk Through

I haven't posted anything in 13 days!!! That's almost two weeks!

So, at my school there's this thing called Walk Through and its really fun. We just had it on Friday, April 27th. Our guide person man, Drew, was hilarious. Usually with Walk Through we have the cheesy guys who think there funny and there not and the kids laugh at them because they have no sense of humor. But Drew was not cheesy, he was SO funny. If someone is 'paying attention' or 'cheering on the teams really loud' you get to go for the glory. When you go for the glory you pick out a lolly pop from this thing and you have to see if there is gold at the bottom and if it's not, you slap your knee and go "Oh Bummer!" and if you find gold at the bottom you go "Oh Glory!" and then clap your feet.(I'm serious about the clapping feet one.) Fortunately, I got to go for the glory! Unfortunately, I didn't get any gold, but I still got to eat my lolly pop. Our team, The White Torys, came in third place with 690 points. The Blue Rebels came in second place 945 points. The Redcoats came in first play with 1,024 points. But, I don't really care about winning its all about enjoying it and having fun, right? Walk literally went on for 2 and half hours!!! It started at 11:30 and ended at 2:20, and we get out of school at 2:15!!!!!!1 That was my wonderful Friday!


Heather Leith said...


joanna (: said...

The Egyptian one in 6th grade was my favorite (: